This series of short films was commisioned by Channel 4 for their '3 Minute Wonder' strand which followed the daily news programme after we as Shroom studio conceived and pitched them the idea. Over a period of six months our team interviewed over sixty people from experts and influencers to schoolkids and little old ladies on a set of general subjects concerning the future as well as a closer examination of their particular interest or expertise. The interviews were edited and compiled into radio edits covering the four themes of the individual films whilst concept art and design was created. Once the timelines were in place we animated over a period of three months, expanding the team to include regular freelancers in our stable as well as friends and relatives with artistic talents. The comined effect is of a stream of consciousness that we hoped carried some of the deepest feelings of society about where we are and where we are heading.
It was broadcast in summer 2004 and was subsequently included in onedotzero's 'spectrum #2' collection and toured the globe as part of their festival, becoming a calling card for our studio and team. We remain proud of this work to this day.
All images and video copyright Shroomstudio. Do not reproduce without explicit permission.